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Tuesday, September 04, 2012


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Morning Chelsa,

Your blog is very powerful and it speaks to the strength of its writer. Sara and I (and Hank) are ready and able to do our part as new neighbors. Just know you've got prayers and support right across the lane.


Dear Chelsa,
Lenelle told me about the return of your cancer. I am so sorry to hear you have to gear up for another battle. We shared nearly the same diagnosis and treatment- we met at Tickled Pink with Lenelle two or three years ago.
My prayers and love are with you as you move forward.


It sounds like your head will be where it needs to be by "then" ... a short, sassy haircut is a proactive step ... and it's a good look for you! And I love the visual you gave us of little Michael fighting those cancer bugs!! We will all love you through this ... Mama Hope

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